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Blythewood Soccer Club: Building Community Through Soccer

Questions About the Club's Weather Policy

What is the Clubs Bad Weather Policy?
Things are not automatically canceled if it rains.  That is at the coaches, referees or playing facilities discretion.  The only exception is if lightning is detected in the immediate area all Blythewood Soccer Club outdoor activities must cease for at least 30 minutes between strikes.  NO EXCEPTIONS.  If there is a chance of lightning in the area parent are encouraged to stay nearby in case plans suddenly change.  Most coaches and many facilities have lightning detections equipment or apps.  It is also not unusual for temperatures to reach in excess of 100 degrees in the late summer.  Coaches are encouraged to cancel practice, delay the start of practice or to limit physical activities while increasing breaks once it gets that high.  If concerned please discuss with your coach.

How Will Changes or Cancellations in Teams Scheduled Games or Practices be Communicated?
The club plays games all over the state, so it is often hard to get word out about possible changes in plans.  All practice decisions for our academy or select teams will be made and communicated by the team coach or team manager.  Most teams will have a team app for communicating, but check with your coach if you are unsure.  All Juniors and Recreation game changes will be communicated by the program director or Coerver Coaching.  Families will be told of any weather cancelations first via the clubs Facebook page, then by the registration systems text system (make sure you are signed up) and then the registration systems email.

What is the Leagues Weather Policy?
Your coach should have a procedure in place to communicate weather issues. As mentioned above teams WILL NOT play if there is lightning within the immediate area.  Some of the fields we play at have lightning detectors, but not all of them do be on the lookout.  The leagues also uses a text messaging system and posts on their website to get the word out.  Ultimately the decision is made by each individual field owners and by the referees.  Sometimes there is a delay in communicating this to everyone so be patient and never assume something is cancelled until you hear it from the coach or team manager.

Contact Us

The Blythewood Soccer Club

PO Box 983 
Blythewood, South Carolina 29016

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 803-402-3605
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