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Blythewood Soccer Club

Programs Currently Open for Registration

Fall 2024 Juniors - Recreation level Soccer Prog

The Blythewood Soccer Juniors developmental program is an in-house (non-travel) program for players ages 4 to 14 (Born in 2011-2020).  
Each team will train one day a week for eight weeks with a professional trained background checked coach from Coerver Coaching that specializes in working on age-appropriate technical training. Doing this helps ensure all players get the quality technical skills training needed to be successful as they move into older age groups.
This fun program that will feature games Friday evenings freeing up families to enjoy their weekends or allow the player to play other sports or watch their older sibling games. A parent manager/coach along with club staff and volunteers will help facilitate these games.  All families are highly encouraged to attend and cheer on the players. Typically, players have at least 6 games (8 if no rainouts). There could be times games are moved to the weekend due to weather and field availability.
Games will be small-sided games (3v3,4v4 or 5v5) that maximize player touches and challenge players against similar leveled competition. These are fun spirited contest that the kids and parents will enjoy. Focus will be on allowing the players to show off the skills they are learning on training and less on simply scoring.
AGE GROUPS: All ages are based on birth year of the player 
  • Players born in 2019 or 2020 (U5-U6) (Born 01/01/19-12/31/20)
  • Players born in 2018 (U7) (Born 01/01/18-12/31/18)
  • Players born in 2017 (U8) (Born 01/01/17-12/31/17)
  • Players born in 2016 (U9)(Born 01/01/16-12/31/16)
  • Players born in 2015 (U10)(Born 01/01/15-12/31/15)
  • Players born in 2013 or 2014 (U12-U13) (Born 01/01/13-12/31/14)**
  • Players born in 2011 or 2012 (U13-U14)  (Born 01/01/11-12/31/12)**
**Note: We will need a minimum of 12 players in these age groups to have these groups. If needed we may combine ages to have enough to play.
  • Week of August 26th- Bring a friend week - Free open training session to all registered players and their friends
  • Practices start week of September 2nd and run for 8 weeks
  • First games will be Friday September 6th
  • Last day to register - Sunday, September 1st
  • Last Games will be Friday October 18th
Last year we reintroduced broke the players into real Teams with team coaches at the older age groups (U7-U14) and we are hoping to build on it this season. Each team will be assigned a Coerver training time as we have always done, but the club will make field space available during the week for coaches to use for an additional practice if they would like. Especially at the younger ages you do not have to be a soccer expert to coach. Before the start of the season, we will try to send out some suggested drills coaches can use if they desire. To do this we NEED VOLUNTEER COACHES. This would be for U8-U14 players.
Team Manager/Coach - Responsible for organizing and communicating with team as well as organizing the team and facilitating things on game day. They are welcome and highly encouraged to help the Coerver staff during training sessions but are not required. They will be required to have a background check and take short abuse awareness online class. They are also highly encouraged to complete a short free online introduction to grassroots coaching class. 
Game Day Staff - These people will be responsible for helping layout the fields, put up goals and help keep things running on game day.
Referees/Game Manager - This person will work with the older groups and will act as game facilitator. They should have a basic understanding of the rules of soccer and the league. Their role will be to make sure the games start and stop on time and play flows without undue delay. These can be older siblings or players in older age groups as well as parents.
  • Practice sessions will start at either 5pm, 6pm or 7pm depending on the age groups. Times may be adjusted as needed to make sure there is enough light. PLEASE INDICATE WHEN REGISTERING IF YOUR PLAYER IS AVAILABLE TO PRACTICE AT 5pm.
  • Players practice and play in age and skills specific groups with a licensed Coerver Coach at least once a week.
  • Coaches can have an optional team practice on another day.
  • Each team will have a volunteer team manager/coach that will be responsible for organizing the team on game nights. This person is also welcome and encouraged to help during the players weekly training session to help them learn to work with young players. At the U8 and higher age groups coaches will also be allowed to have one additional training night if they so choose.
  • Teams coaches and parents that are interested in moving on to higher levels or age groups of coach are encouraged to contact us from more information about additional training opportunities and licensing requirements. We love helping new coaches get started.
  • We will need to have a minimum of 12 register players in order to have a U11/12 and/or U13/14 age division. If we do not have enough all money will be refunded. We may also combine these ages into one larger age group to make sure we have enough to play.
If you have any questions, please contact us.

5U - Co-Ed (2020 Birth Year)

Registration closes on 09/12/2024 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 07/19/2024 to 10/18/2024
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6U - Co-Ed (2019 Birth Year)

Registration closes on 09/12/2024 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 07/19/2024 to 10/18/2024
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7U - Co-Ed (2018 Birth Year)

Registration closes on 09/12/2024 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 07/19/2024 to 10/18/2024
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8U - Co-Ed (2017 Birth Year)

Registration closes on 09/12/2024 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 07/19/2024 to 10/18/2024
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9U - Co-Ed (2016 Birth Year)

Registration closes on 09/12/2024 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 07/19/2024 to 10/18/2024
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10U - Co-Ed (2015 Birth Year)

Registration closes on 09/12/2024 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 07/19/2024 to 10/18/2024
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11U - Co-Ed (2014 Birth Year)

Registration closes on 09/12/2024 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 07/19/2024 to 10/18/2024
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12U - Co-Ed (2013 Birth Year)

Registration closes on 09/12/2024 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 07/19/2024 to 10/18/2024
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13U - Co-Ed (2012 Birth Year)

Registration closes on 09/12/2024 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 07/19/2024 to 10/18/2024
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14U - Co-Ed (2011 Birth Year)

Registration closes on 09/12/2024 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 07/19/2024 to 10/18/2024
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2024-25 Select Soccer (Born 2010-13)

The club will be holding supplemental player evaluations for it s select and academy level teams on Tuesday May 21st at the Cobblestone Amenity Center in Blythewood at 6pm to 8pm (Sign in starts at 5:30pm)


These evaluations are designed to allow the club coaches to run your player through some simple drills to better understand their strengths and potential areas that they can look to improve on. In addition to skill level things such as behavior, good listening skills and a desire to learn and get better are also key things we look for. There will be a short parents information meeting and coaches will be available to give feedback on your player and to answer questions about these programs. If the club coaches, parents and player feel the program is a good fit you will then be invited to join one of the teams.

These teams are designed for players looking to make soccer their primary sport with hopes of playing for they middle or high school teams in the future. The biggest differences between rec soccer and our academy and select programs is commitment levels. Players on these teams are committing to a full club year (U15 and above is only available in the Fall). Most teams start practice in Mid to late July and run until early November before taking a break for the holidays and starting back in early January and running through early May. Teams also typically practice 2-3 times a week including at least one weekly technical training session with Coerver Coaching during the season. Teams typically play in 10-20 games in both the fall and spring season including one to four tournaments. Some of these games will required limited travel and occasionally a tournament may require an overnight stay. Players are expected to make the vast majority of games and practices. With all the extra training and games the cost is typically more than Recreation level soccer, but the club does offer payment plans to help make the program affordable to most families.

If you have any questions about the evaluations or about either the select or academy level programs please contact us at [email protected]

15U - 2010-11 Birth Year

Registration closes on 09/13/2024 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 07/29/2024 to 12/31/2024
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The Blythewood Soccer Club

PO Box 983 
Blythewood, South Carolina 29016

Phone: 803-807-7128
Email: [email protected]

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